Pegge Bernecker
  Spiritual Direction

“Spiritual direction is the art of soul friending
with a person or group."
Compassionate listening leads to discerned action in response to your inner aliveness,
and the movements of spirit
that some name God.”

Spiritual Direction
Books & Articles
Seasonal Reflection
Guided Meditation
Prayer Practices


Fireweed Picture

Pegge offers spiritual direction in person, and via telephone or skype.
Click here to contact her for details.

Spiritual direction is an ancient art that many traditions have practiced for thousands of years.

Spiritual direction, or guidance, or accompaniment, or soul-friending ... is time to listen and focus upon your inner aliveness and life particularities, yearnings, sorrows, and joys.

What makes you come alive?
Is there a part of you that grieves, seeks healing & wholeness?
Are you discerning a new job? Move? Relationship?
How's your prayer life? Do you know how to pray?
What is your contemplative process ... where do you seek silence, stillness, a pause?
Where do you want to engage and volunteer your service to others?
What's on your mind and heart today? ...

A soul friend is present to you with compassion, and can be a mirror for you to discover what you did not know you already knew!

About spiritual direction...
Within every person or group there is an energy or spirit at work that vitalizes or drains. Spiritual direction pays attention to the movement of this spirit. Spiritual direction is not intended to be or to replace professional counseling or psychotherapy.

Spiritual direction or guidance can occur individually or with a group. Generally a person meets with a spiritual director once a month, for approximately an hour. Group direction can last for a longer time period.

A spiritual direction relationship can last for months, or even years.

Spiritual direction is a relationship of care and accompaniment that helps to recognize the Spirit of God alive in the now and here of living--the present moment--even if God is rarely named. Spiritual guidance helps people attune to significance, meaning, and possibility. Spiritual direction offers the potential for healing and transformation in order to live a vibrant life of integrity, dignity, and transparency.

Spiritual direction is a gift and needs to be available to every person, from any place, religion, nation, gender, or socio-economic background.

Some spiritual directors charge a professional fee, others accept free-will offerings, a
nd others make themselves available to whoever calls or arrives at their door.

An excellent spiritual director could be male or female, ordained, religious, or an ordinary person living down the street from you.

If you are seeking a spiritual guide you will want to ask a potential spiritual director or guide questions in an initial interview meeting, and prayerfully consider your own intentions and desire, at this particular time in your life.

Good questions for you to consider are available at the Spiritual Directors International Web site,

“Spiritual discernment is the art of critical attention that is able to recognize the Divine presence in its expected and unexpected forms. The Divine prayer sustains all life; it never ceases, in every place and in every moment its embrace is there.”

–John O’Donohue, Eternal Echoes

Pegge offers spiritual direction in person, and via telephone or skype.
Click her to contact her for details.

Copyright ©2005 Pegge Bernecker, Fort Collins, CO